Homemade Pineapple Ice Cream Recipe - House of Nash Eats (2024)

This post was created as in partnership with Imperial Sugar. All thoughts and opinions are 100% my own.

This creamy, tropical, and refreshing Pineapple Ice Cream is made with real pineapple, heavy cream, and egg yolks for a deliciously scoopable summer flavor that is perfect for ice cream enthusiasts. It’s an ideal treat for hot summer days when you want a taste of paradise in a bowl or on a cone.

If you are pineapple-obsessed like we are, be sure to also try our Easy Pineapple Pie, Fresh Pineapple Salsa, and Pineapple Poke Cake!

Homemade Pineapple Ice Cream Recipe - House of Nash Eats (1)
Table of Contents
  1. What You'll Need
  2. How to Make Pineapple Ice Cream
  3. Recipe FAQ's
  4. Tips for Success
  5. Storage Instructions
  6. More Ice Cream Recipes

Pineapple is one of our favorite fruits and ice cream is one of my favorite desserts, so it was only a matter of time before I got around to making pineapple ice cream. This one is so, so yummy with such great fruit flavor.

I strongly prefer a custard base ice cream both for scoopability and mouthfeel (it's smoother and creamier than no-cook options) as well as the richness and flavor from the egg yolks.

This pineapple ice cream is beyond Dole Whip for all you Disney fanatics. It's a fantastic base for adding in mix-ins like golden Oreos, macadamia nuts, or chunks of yellow cake (so delicious!).

Homemade Pineapple Ice Cream Recipe - House of Nash Eats (2)
Homemade Pineapple Ice Cream Recipe - House of Nash Eats (3)

What You'll Need

Scroll down to the recipe card below this post for ingredient quantities and full instructions.

  • Pineapple - I like using crushed pineapple for this recipe but you can see my post on how to cut a pineapple and use the measurements listed in the notes if you prefer to use fresh pineapple instead.
  • Sugar - Regular white granulated sugar gives just the right amount of sweetness to this ice cream base so that the pineapple flavor still takes center stage.
  • Lemon juice - Keeps things bright and balanced.
  • Salt - A pinch of salt won't be super noticeable but it actually makes all the other flavors shine in this pineapple ice cream recipe.
  • Heavy cream & whole milk - Using these two together provides just the right amount of creamy, delicious flavor and texture to your custard ice cream base.
  • Egg yolks - These contribute to the richness, smooth and creamy mouthfeel (a technical ice cream term for the way ice cream feels in your mouth), and scoopability.
  • Vanilla extract - Another balancing ingredient that is a supporting character but important to the overall flavor of the ice cream.
Homemade Pineapple Ice Cream Recipe - House of Nash Eats (4)

How to Make Pineapple Ice Cream

  1. Combine the sugar, pineapple, lemon juice, and salt in a large saucepan over medium heat. Cook and stir for about 5-7 minutes until most of sugar has dissolved. This also helps break down the pineapple slightly.
  2. Add the heavy cream and milk to the pineapple mixture. Continue to cook until hot but not yet simmering. If you lift a spoonful of the liquid from the pot it will steam slightly.
  3. Meanwhile, whisk egg yolks in a medium bowl.
  4. Add 1 cup ofhot pineapple liquid to the egg yolks. Whisk well to temper the egg yolks so they don't scramble when you add them to the hot liquid in the saucepan.
  5. Return tempered egg yolk mixture to thesaucepan withrest of pineapple and cream.
  6. Continue to cook and stir for 3-4 minutes until thick enough to coat back of a spoon or it reaches 170°F on a digital thermometer.
Homemade Pineapple Ice Cream Recipe - House of Nash Eats (5)
Homemade Pineapple Ice Cream Recipe - House of Nash Eats (6)
  1. Remove from heat and stir in vanilla extract. Cool completely in the fridge for at least 4 hours or overnight. You can speed up the process by setting your bowl into an ice water bath and stirring it occasionally to cool it down quickly.
  2. When the custard base is thoroughly chilled, transfer it to the bowl of your ice cream maker and freeze according to the manufacturer's instructions. This usually only takes about 20-30 minutes. I have used the KitchenAid ice cream attachment and the Cuisinart ice cream maker and think both work great.
  3. Transfer the churned ice cream which will be about the consistency of soft serve to a freezer-safe container and freeze for at least 4 hours until hardened.
  4. Let the ice cream sit out on the counter for about 10 minutes before scooping so it can soften slightly.
Homemade Pineapple Ice Cream Recipe - House of Nash Eats (7)
Homemade Pineapple Ice Cream Recipe - House of Nash Eats (8)

Be sure to visit Imperial Sugar's site for the FULL RECIPE and instructions.

Recipe FAQ's

What size ice cream maker do I need for this recipe?

This recipe works best in a 2-quart ice cream maker. Be sure if you are using the kind with a freezer bowl that you stick the bowl in the freezer for a full 24+ hours before making the ice cream so it works properly.

What if the ice cream doesn't get thick and freeze properly?

If for some reason the ice cream doesn't seem to be thickening up to a soft-serve consistency after 20-30 minutes, that probably means the ice cream maker wasn't completely frozen before using it. You could refrigerate your ice cream base overnight while freezing the bowl for a solid 24 hours and try again.

Homemade Pineapple Ice Cream Recipe - House of Nash Eats (9)

Tips for Success

  • You can use 2 cups of finely chopped fresh pineapple in place of canned pineapple, but I would recommend letting it cook a little longer - more like 10-15 minutes to soften and break down the fresh pineapple a little more.
  • Let the ice cream sit on the counter for 10-20 minutes to warm up slightly for easier scooping.

Storage Instructions

You can store homemade pineapple ice cream in the freezer for about 2 weeks before it starts getting ice crystals on top. I recommend pressing plastic wrap directly against the top of the ice cream and then covering with a lid for the best results so the ice cream surface isn't exposed to the freezer air.

Homemade Pineapple Ice Cream Recipe - House of Nash Eats (10)

Be sure to stop by Imperial Sugar's site for theFULL RECIPE. I have partnered with them now for a few years and love their products for my baking needs!

More Ice Cream Recipes

  • Best Homemade Strawberry Ice Cream Recipe
  • Tutti-Frutti Ice Cream
  • Rainbow Sherbet
  • Toasted Almond Ice Cream
  • Strawberry Cheesecake Ice Cream

Ice Cream

Coconut Macadamia Nut Ice Cream

Ice Cream

Peach Ice Cream

Did you make this recipe?

Let me know what you thought with a comment and rating below. You can also take a picture and tag me on Instagram @houseofnasheats or share it on the Pinterest pin so I can see.

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About the author

Homemade Pineapple Ice Cream Recipe - House of Nash Eats (18)

Hi, I'm Amy

I enjoy exploring the world through food, culture, and travel and sharing the adventure with mostly from-scratch, family friendly recipes that I think of as modern comfort cooking.

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Homemade Pineapple Ice Cream Recipe - House of Nash Eats (2024)


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Name: Velia Krajcik

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